The Japanese Gardening Organization was founded at the request of 14th generation Master Builder, Kiyoshi Yasui (1925 – 2010), a sukiya* craftsman nominated as National Living Treasure of Japan for his knowledge and talent in temple construction and restoration. He saw that the world was changing and the traditional Japanese method of passing on knowledge would not endure.
His mission then, to share his knowledge and passion for sukiya architecture and gardens, is the foundation of this organization.
OUR MISSION: Japanese Gardening Organization, Intl. was created to foster the knowledge, appreciation and application of Japanese gardening. Included in this mission are the following:
- Spread the benefits of Japanese gardening for individuals, groups, communities, and society.
- Develop educational and instructional programs pertaining to Japanese gardening.
- Provide forums for the discussion of topics of common interest to professional and amateur gardeners and others interested in Japanese gardens.
- Provide an accurate source of information pertaining to Japanese gardens.
The Japanese Gardening Organization honors the late Kiyoshi Yasui who’s knowledge, vision and sharing was the inspiration for this organization.

photo by Don Pylant
Kiyoshi Yasui (December 6, 1925 – October 30, 2010) – Japanese Traditional Architect
Kiyoshi Yasui was born in Muko-cho, Kyoto in 1925 as the 14th-generation of a master builder family having a history of over 350 years. After graduating from Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto in 1945, he joined his father’s company, Yasuimoku Koumuten Company, Ltd., and was involved in many projects in renovation, restoration and construction of authentic traditional Japanese structures such as temple, shrines, palaces and tea houses. He also worked actively to train successors in the field of traditional architecture and Japanese garden. For example, he founded the traditional architecture course in Kuma industrial high school, Kumamoto, and gave instruction to the students for 16 years.
In 2001, he left the company and established his own workshop “Sei-Juku” to provide high level expertise to professionals from around the country through practical work, including preservation of cultural property and construction of sukiya-style house*. In later years, he took up many valuable timbers from traditional structures which were otherwise to be demolished and wasted, and has reserved them hoping to reuse. Before realizing his hope, Yasui died suddenly on 30 October 2010, aged 85. His will has been inherited by the members of Sei-Juku.
1945 – 2001 : Yasuimoku Koumuten
1970 Shokado (Tea house, Museum and Garden), Yahata, Kyoto Pref.
1971 Relocation of Jo-an Tea House, Inuyama, Aichi Pref.*
1976 Restoration of Tai-an Tea House, Myoki-an Temple Oyamazaki, Kyoto Pref.*
1977-1981 Comprehensive restoration of Katsura Imperial Villa, Kyoto
1979 Japanese house (Kyo-no-machiya) in Boston Children’s Museum
1984-1990 Restoration of Hakone Garden (Saratoga, CA.)
1985 Shoin room in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
1987 Kumamoto En Sister City Garden in San Antonio Botanical Gardens (Texas)
*Both Jo-an and Tai-an are one of the three best Tea Houses preserved as National Treasures
2001- 2010 :Sei-Juku
2006 Restoration of Sugimoto Residence, Kyoto
2006 Restoration of Hogonin Temple, Kyoto
2006 -2010 Tateshina Bamboo garden with tea house, Nagano
2007 Construction of Sukiya-style residence, Kyoto
2010 Construction of Sukiya-style residence, Osaka
安井清(1925年12月6日 – 2010年10月30日) 日本の伝統建築家
1945 – 2001 : 安井杢工務店
1970 松花堂(茶室、美術館、庭園)、京都府八幡市
1971 茶室「如庵」移築、愛知県犬山市*
1976 妙喜庵 茶室「待庵」修理、京都府大山崎市*
1977-1981 桂離宮の大修理
1979 ボストンこども博物館の京町屋
1985 メトロポリタン美術館日本ギャラリーの書院(ニューヨーク)
1987 サンアントニオ植物園「熊本園」(テキサス)
2001-2010 :清塾
2006 杉本家住宅の修理(京都)
2006 宝厳院の修理(京都)
2006 -2010 蓼科笹類植物園(長野)
2007 数寄屋住宅の建築(京都)
2010 数寄屋住宅の建築(大阪)
*sukiya: One type of Japanese residential architectural style. The word originally denoted a building in which tea ceremony was held. It has come to indicate a style of designing public facilities and private homes based on tea house aesthetics, characterised by a use of natural materials. The beauty of sukiya-zukuri comes from the delicate sensibility of slender wood elements and other natural materials used, and the simplicity of ornamentation, if any. (source: Wikipedia).